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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Job Alerts!长虹信息安全实验室海外线上宣讲会&招聘会开始啦, 1 月 26 日不见不散。(坐标成都)

  •   ywh123 · 2021-01-21 11:30:14 +08:00 · 817 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1338 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    亲测待遇优厚, 快来参加吧 ! ! ! !

    线上宣讲会 sign up:


    Job Openings:

    1. Compiler Researcher
    Master Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/vq6lp4

    2. Privacy Computing Researcher
    Master Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/9d86gj

    3. Embedded AI Algorithm Engineer
    Master Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/5911k0

    4. Embedded Software Engineer
    Master Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/ak49i5

    5. Endpoint Security Architect
    Bachelor Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/nuvc0f

    6. Reverse Analysis Engineer
    Bachelor Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/0ely23

    7. IoT Vulnerability Researcher
    Bachelor Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/ohpgdq

    8. Soft Engineer
    Master Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/f3kj6g

    9. Applied Security Research Engineer
    Bachelor Degree https://go.jobseer.ai/5jsswj
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