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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海·静安寺] [法企 965 福利超多] 🔥20K-28K+13 薪🔥 招 Node.js 后端工程师

  •   WiredcraftHire · 2021-01-04 17:30:26 +08:00 · 1243 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1354 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Take on the challenge of designing, building, and growing APIs for tens of millions of users.

    Our backend team is creating APIs and microservice architectures to support all of our apps; Web, mobile and WeChat. You'll work directly with our engineers, designers and project managers, as well as our clients, to design, build and scale platforms for tens of millions of users in China and abroad.

    We primarily use Node.js (with Loopback), and occasionally Golang and Python. We also maintain our own (proprietary) set of APIs for e-commerce, customer data tracking, Social CRM…

    We take pride in great engineering and invest in forward thinking technologies. We adopted Node.js in 2010 and have been very active contributors to the Javascript community in China, single-handedly organizing JSConf China since 2013.

    What you'll do

    • Design and create high performance (low-latencey, high-availability) micro-services and APIs using Node.js
    • Integrate with mobile, WeChat and React front-end applications
    • Write reusable, testable and secure code
    • Integrate with databases (Redis, CouchBase, PostgreSQL)
    • Troubleshoot production issues, support the DevOps team in scalability and performance efforts
    • Participate in software architecture and API design discussions

    We want somebody who

    • Strong proficiency with Javascript and Node.js
    • Familiarity with of Loopback
    • Experience working with an agile methodology (e.g. SCRUM)
    • Proficient with Git and GitHub
    • Solid experience with regular Web technologies: HTML, CSS…
    • Solid understanding of front-end technologies, especially Javascript frameworks (Vue, React, …)
    • Understanding of fundamental design principles for security and scalability
    • Experience working with micro-services and handling cross-services authentication, communication and security
    • Experience designing architectures and database schemas to support business needs
    • Experience with automated testing and continuous delivery
    • Familiarity with Docker and modern DevOps/CI/CD approaches

    About Wiredcraft

    Wiredcraft creates & grows digital products for the world's best brands.

    We're a full-service digital product agency with over 70 experts in Shanghai, Wuhan, Paris, US and (soon) Hong Kong. Our team of T-shaped experts help brands like Burberry, Nike, Dior, Apple, Starbucks or Hilton realize omnichannel, cross-border and digital transformation strategies.

    We believe in small, agile and battle-hardened teams of designers, engineers and product experts. We help multinational corporations move at the speed of startups & develop a product culture.

    Learn more about our company and how we work on our playbook: https://playbook.wiredcraft.com

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