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the_silver_searcher- 比ack还要快的搜索工具

  •   cabbala · 2013-01-08 14:25:18 +08:00 · 4127 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4272 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    安装后用法和ack类似,ag xxx即可

    How is it so fast?
    Searching for literals (no regex) uses Boyer-Moore-Horspool strstr.
    Files are mmap()ed instead of read into a buffer.
    If you're building with PCRE 8.21 or greater, regex searches use the JIT compiler.
    Ag calls pcre_study() before executing the regex on a jillion files.
    Instead of calling fnmatch() on every pattern in your ignore files, non-regex patterns are loaded into an array and binary searched.
    Ag uses Pthreads to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and search files in parallel.
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