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[广州]代人出 Thinkpad X230T 3434CTO

  •   leiz · 2014-04-09 13:48:07 +08:00 · 873 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3816 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    有兴趣请email: [email protected]

    Processor Intel Core i5-3320M on MB
    Operating system Windows 7 Home Premium 64
    Operating system Language Win7 HP64 English
    Total memory 4 GB PC3-12800 DDR3 (1 DIMM)
    Hard drive 320GB HDD 7200rpm
    Optical device No Optical Drive
    Battery 6cell, ThinkPad Battery X67+
    Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.0 w/ antenna
    WiFi wireless LAN adapters ThinkPad 1x1 b/g/n
    Wireless WAN accessories Mobile Broadband upgradable
    Warranty Type 1 Year Depot/Express Warranty
    Custom images NONE
    AC Adapter and Power Cord 65W AC Adpt US (2pin)
    Accessible Optimized Preload NONE
    Adobe Acrobat NONE
    Adobe Elements NONE
    Adobe Lightroom NONE
    Camera X230T 720p HD Camera
    Custom Image Language NONE
    Fingerprint X230T Fingerprint Reader
    ITC - Enhanced Service NONE
    ITC - Harddrive Encryption NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 1 NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 2 NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 3 NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 4 NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 5 NONE
    ITC - Imaging Service 6 NONE
    ITC - Project Type NONE
    ITC - Solution using SmartImg NONE
    ITC - Vpro Provisioning (VPRO) NONE
    ITC - Who Created The Image NONE
    Keyboard Language KYB (Backlit) US English
    Language Interface Packs NONE
    Microsoft Office NONE
    Microsoft Windows 7 XP Mode NONE
    Mother Board X230T Intel i5-3320M
    Option / Smart Card Reader 2 Gemplus 54mm ExpressCard SCR
    Option / USB Modem 2 NONE
    Pen Tether NONE
    Protection Services NONE
    Publication Language Pub; US English
    Reserved Char 1 NONE
    SIM Card for WWAN 2 NONE
    Security Chip 2 Security Chip Enabled
    Shipping Country USA
    Slice Battery NONE
    Software Application NONE
    Storage Adapter No Micro Solid State Drive
    System Unit X230T 12.5HD Multi WW 2x2
    Ultrabay slim options NONE
    Windows 7 Recovery DVD NONE
    2 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2014-04-09 23:16:01 +08:00
       2014-04-12 18:05:50 +08:00
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